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时间:2022-10-16 阅读次数:


滕相斌,香港中文大学心理学院助理教授。其在纽约大学取得博士学位,之前分别于上海交通大学、北京大学取得学士和硕士学位。其研究方向是言语理解和音乐欣赏的神经机制。使用的研究手段有脑磁图、脑电图、功能磁共振成像,以及人工神经网络。其近期研究发现时间维度上的相位进动现象,揭示了人类在时间维度上主动预期未来复杂感知信息的神经和计算机制。滕博士已在Current Biology、Plos Biology、Cerebral Cortex等期刊发表10余篇研究工作,担任PNAS、eLife、Current Biology、Journal of Neuroscience等期刊审稿人。


Spoken language and music are characterized by hierarchical structures that unfold over time. Listening to speech and music, therefore, requires the brain not only to process syllables or notes, but also to internally construct high-level linguistic and musical structures (e.g., words and phrases; beats and motifs) and anticipate incoming contents. In this talk, I will present two studies on ancient Chinese poetry and Western classical music, in which we probed mechanisms of hierarchical structure building and prediction in speech and music perception. Using MEG and EEG recording, we discovered low-frequency neural oscillatory components (< 1Hz) that reliably parsed musical and linguistic high-level structures. We next identified a phenomenon – phase precession, suggesting that listeners established structural predictions for high-level structural boundaries. The data reveal candidate brain mechanisms that listeners use to segment continuous music and speech streams and to predict abstract structural linguistic and musical features.