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James Lantolf教授研究生国际课程预告

时间:2023-03-14 阅读次数:


The Implicit/Explicit Puzzle and Its Relevance 

for Instructed Second Language Development


James Lantolf教授


ZOOM号码694 314 4559   ZOOM密码CCSL2023



James Lantolf 教授为北京语言大学引智基地特聘教授、美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学 Greer Professor、宾州国家高级语言能力教育与研究中心 (CALPER) 主任,曾任北美应用语言学协会 AAAL 主席、国际权威语言学期刊Applied Linguistics 主编,也是 Language and Sociocultural Theory 的创刊主编及多家国际一流学术期刊编委,包括Modern Language Journal, Journal of Applied Linguistics,Critical Inquiry in Language Studies等。Lantolf教授是当今社会文化理论发展的主要领军人物之一,主要研究领域为社会文化理论(SCT)和课堂二语发展,提出概念教学法(CBT),首创了动态评估(DA)的理念,并致力于用 SCT 理论来解决其中的核心问题,促使二语习得研究产生“社会转向”。因其在应用语言学领域的杰出成就,2016 年荣获“AAAL(北美应用语言学协会) 最杰出学者和服务奖”。被KeesdeBot 编撰的《应用语言学发展史(1980年后)》列为过去35年中最具影响力的应用语言学家之一。


The course will focus on the distinction between implicit and explicit knowledge, learning and instruction and their respective implications for late (i.e., beyond childhood) second language development. It will consider several theories and/or models of second language development (usage-based development, Chomskyan theory, skill acquisition theory, sociocultural theory) that favor either (or in some cases, both) alternative(s) with regard to developmental outcomes. Evidence from some recent psycholinguistic and neuroscience studies will be discussed, including the claims of VanPatten’s Input Processing Model as well as Ullman’s Declarative/Procedural Model. The course also addresses the relevance of implicit and explicit knowledge and instruction for classroom-based second language development.